Develop a solution with our partners answering
concrete industrial needs
The first version of our solution is co-developed with 2 major food industrial companies, Bel and Lesaffre, on concrete needs of their sector and tested on real use cases. Methods development in metabolomics are realized with MetaToul, an internationally-recognized academic partner.
Develop a solution with our partners answering
concrete industrial needs
The first version of our solution is co-developed with 2 major food industrial companies, Bel and Lesaffre, on concrete needs of their sector and tested on real use cases. Methods development in metabolomics are realized with MetaToul, an internationally-recognized academic partner.
The METAPATH collaboration
This partnership targets the development of a solution to decipher the metabolism of micro-organisms used in fermented products. The goal is to catch the untapped potential of our partner’s ferments collection to optimize micro-organisms selection and, thus, improve the sensory quality of their products, opening the field to more natural & sustainable options.

This collaboration project, METAPATH, is supported by the «Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir» operated by Bpifrance.

The METAPATH collaboration
This partnership targets the development of a solution to decipher the metabolism of micro-organisms used in fermented products. The goal is to catch the untapped potential of our partner’s ferments collection to optimize micro-organisms selection and, thus, improve the sensory quality of their products, opening the field to more natural & sustainable options.
This collaboration project, METAPATH, is supported by the «Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir» operated by Bpifrance.

4 years : 4 partners
Between March 2021 and February 2025 Microbiome studio is associated with 4 partners.
5,1 M€ Of subsidies
Thanks to their partners, mircobiome studio get subsidies : 0,6 M€ by INSA, 3,7 M€ by Abolis, 0,4 M€ by Bel and 0,4 M€ by Lessaffre.
8.8 M€ of budget
The project has a total budget of 8,8 M€.
Our partners
Diversity ans inclusion
Bel is a major player in the healthy dairy and non-dairy single-serving portion snacking. Its international development draws on a portfolio of positive brands, which attract consumers in more than 120 countries. Bel is a family group with an ambitious and sustainable growth strategy, and wants to promote healthier, responsible and accessible food for all consumers worldwide, in more places, by offering them a range of healthy snacks and meal solutions that enable everyone to enjoy the dairy, plant-based and fruit products goodness.
Working together to better nourish and protect the planet
Lesaffre is a key global player in fermentation for more than a century with a 2.2 billion euro turnover. The company, established on all continents, counts 11,000 employees and more than 90 nationalities. On the strength of our experience and diversity, we work with customers, partners and researchers to find ever more relevant answers to the needs of food, health, naturalness and respect for our environment. Thus, every day, we explore and reveal the infinite potential of microorganisms.
TBI and its
and its platform Metatoul
The MetaToul-FluxoMet platform of TBI is specialized in the analysis and understanding of cellular and tissue metabolism, or at more complex levels (ecosystems, organisms) through metabolomics and fluxomics approaches. It proposes functional analysis of metabolism through the implementation of quantitative metabolic profiling, isotopic profiling and 13C-Fluxomics. To do so, it uses state-of-the-art technologies such as high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and high throughput robotic systems for sample production and preparation.
Want to make
a partnership?
We all share the same human values around working on a project making sense, curiosity, sharing, respect and team spirit.
Want to make
a partnership?
We all share the same human values around working on a project making sense, curiosity, sharing, respect and team spirit.